Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Who Wears The Cake??

Couples today are very interested in some of the reception "extras" that can get them a few extra dollars to put into their savings account. We've all heard of one of the most popular ways of doing so - the "Dollar Dance" - where guests pay to dance with the bride. Many different cultures have a variation of this as well.

Well, we have a new idea that is just too cute! The newest money earning technique - "Who Wears The Cake?" Of course, this is only a good idea if you are okay with getting cake smashed in your face!

So now, here's how it works... Order a sign like this one on your cake table alongside two containers - one for the bride and one for the groom. You'll also need a sign to designate one jar for the bride and one for the groom. We have jars available in our shop that have "Mr." and "Mrs." already on them and that will look great!

Guests will then place money in the jar of the person that they want to see "wear the cake".

Right before the cake cutting, designate one of your bridal party members to count up the money and see who is going to get cake in their face! Of course you can try to pay off some of your family and friends to make sure the groom wears the cake! ;) After all, who wants to get their makeup messed up after having to wake up really early to get it done?!

For more great tips, be sure to check out our other blog articles here.

xo Bling, Sparkles, Oh My!

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